Sunday, January 22, 2012


So I feel like I haven't been that creative lately, mostly just working on a crochet sweater I fond a pattern for. I've realized I don't really like following patterns for crochet that much... when I crochet I usually like to have things be fluid and adaptable to the specific case, which is why I don't really have set in stone patterns that I follow, but more just methods I use to make various things. I like to figure out exactly how to make it work for that case. I'm pretty much the same with cooking. I like it best when I'm not following a recipe, and am just adding what I want to make what I want.
Anyways, so today I decided to crochet a cover for a bean bag, and to make the inside bean bag next time I'm home. I hope it turns out awesomely. It is going to be a tn of work, but I will love the final product. I'm thinking pink because I have yarn from the sweater, and I can pick up more if I do both and it is not enough. When I finish the bean bag chair ii may put the pattern on this blog. It will probably be highly adaptable, so you can make it whatever size you want and etc.
Ill put a pic up of the finished product :)
Also I realized in my last post I said I was going to put my 7 layer candy recipe up, but I already did in the post before that. I am planning on putting up pics to help visualize layers for it still. I just need to make it again.  It is so good, but it is bad when I make it at my apartment cuz then I end up eating most of it which probably isn't so great considering how rich it is. I have a huge richness tolerance, which is a good and a bad thing. Good cuz I can eat a lot of good food, and bad cuz I can eat a lot of good unhealthy food... but that's just the way it goes I guess...