Monday, July 23, 2012

Banana Bread Bake off

So my roommates and i decided to have a banana bread bake off a week ago. We all went and bough bananas together. They were all completely green. I put mine on top of the fridge in a bag for the first day to quicken the ripening process. Once i took the bananas out of the bag i kept them on top of the fridge (with all of our spices and cereal boxes) and rotated which side was facing out. When the day came mine were the most ripe (biggest brown spots) but they weren't ripe enough so we put them on a cookie sheet for about 15 min on 300 degrees F. We pulled them out and let them sit for about another 10 minutes during which they continued to darken, and then the bake off began. It was a lot of fun. The critique mine got was that it wasn't just strong banana flavoring (it had cinnamon and nutmeg), but was voted best density or texture. I really like having the other flavors to complement the banana. Here is the recipe i used for my banana bread. It can also be used for zucchini or squash bread.

Banana, Squash, or Zucchini Bread

1 1/2  tsp. baking soda                            1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 c. brown sugar                                      3 c. flour
3  eggs                                                     1 tsp. baking powder
1 c. oil                                                      1 tsp. salt
1 c. white sugar                                         2 1/2  c. bananas, squash, or zucchini,  shredded or mashed
2 tsp.  cinnamon

       Mix baking soda and brown sugar together.  Add rest of ingredients and mix.  Bake in 2 greased and lightly floured loaf pans. 
Bake at 350* for 60 to 70 minutes (bake muffins for 20 minutes).
I made one loaf and then 12 muffins. They were really good. Unfortunately i ran out of milk the morning of the competition, and the banana bread made me really crave milk. The muffins were amazing. I think i may have to just make muffins in the future.

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