Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So I love being home for the holidays, Cuz I have access to a sewing machine and can mend my clothes and alter others. It is pretty great. I took in a skirt I had made, and made a scarf out of an old shirt. It is pretty sweet. I also crocheted a Beanie for my sister. I'm thinking about putting the pattern on my blog. It is a very pretty Beanie. I have done so much crafty things lately, its crazy. I mended the considerable pile of clothes waiting to be mended, and made hair flowers. I'm in the process of making a sweater, and I need to finish a dress I'm making for my sister. Ive been cleaning up my moms sewing room just by finishing all the projects that have been sitting around. I'm really excited about all the stuff I've been doing. It has felt nice to be busy.
I had a great Christmas. I was able to help my mom and others help out a family in need by serging the edges of fleece blankets for them. It felt amazing to give service in that way. I only wish I could do more. I love the Christmas season because it us a very giving time of year. I love giving gifts more then getting, and lately I've realized even more how wonderful giving service is. I love how good I feel when I can help others. I need to make a goal to serve more all year round. I have been making a effort to serve, and I love it. I almost feel selfish because one of the reasons I love serving so much is the way it makes me feel.
Another great thing about being home for the holidays is that I have gotten to see my neices and nephews, as well as the rest of my family. When I am gone, I miss the kids more tthen anyone else. I love how sweet and full of fun they are. They love to laugh, and I love trying to make them. I currently have 14 neices and nephews, and I love each of them to death.
Interesting note is that my favorite age in kids is from when they first get playful as babies to about three. The reason this is interesting is because this includes the terrible twos. I am actually pretty good at working with two year olds. Pretty much all of my neices and nephews loved me at age two, even when they were mad at everyone else. I love being an aunt. It is one of the best parts of my life.
I also am kind of thinking about putting my recipe for seven layered candy on this blog. There are a bunch of versions of this treat on the web, but they all differ from mine in ways that I find to make them inferior. I guess that is one of the great things about this recipe: that it is readily adaptable to different tastes. Maybe after the next time I make some I will put the recipe on because then I can include pictures.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I have been going crazy about baking!! I keep looking up recipes online that I have the ingredients to make. I've learned maple extract is a great substitute for vanilla extract, my oven is crazy, and that I have an insatiable sweet tooth :)
I love making things, and baking is currently my best venue to release my creative juices. I like having the sweets on hand, but that is just a perk. I currently have plenty of sweets on hand, and I still am scouring the internet for more things to try. I don't have that many sweets in my arsenal of baked goods I have mastered, so I guess its good for me to get the practice :)
I have done a lot more stove top cooking then baking, which possibly is another reason I've grown addicted to baking lately.
I should be studying for finals, but instead I'm contemplating what I can make with the ingredients i have and what to get so I can make more!!!!
If there is a baking fever I think I have it :) (no pun intended).
I have made cookies twice and brownies from scratch, and i am currently trying to figure out how i can get the ingredients for 7 layer candy, a delicious bar dessert that is super rich. it seems that many people have their own way of making it, but here is mine:

Graham Cracker crumbs
Chocolate chips
butterscotch chips
white chocolate chips
shredded coconut
sweet and condensed milk

Basically you melt enough butter to cover the bottom of your pan. Then you put a layer of graham cracker crumbs down. you don't want it to be to thick, but make sure it covers all of the bottom. Then you layer the three types of chocolate chips. combined they should almost completely cover the graham cracker crumbs. Next as im sure you can guess is a layer of shredded coconut that just barely covers the chips. Follow by pouring sweet and condensed milk over the top of it all. the great thing about this recipe is you don't need to measure, and as you make it, you learn to judge how much of each ingredient to  match your taste. It is simple and delicious, and has won me many a compliment :)

Impromptu christmas decoration :)

Last night I was rather bored, and in a creative mood. I was staring at a big blank wall, and it was just begging me to do something about its emptiness, so having only paper, scissors, colored pencils and a stapler this is what I came up with. It doesn't pop quite as much as I pictured in my head, but I still like it.